What is happening: Vladimir Dukhovlinov

13 - 22 April 2007

’What is happening’’ – a painted series created in 2007 by the famous St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Dukhovlinov.


"Abstract works of the artist combine several approaches of depicting a form. First of all, it is a free plastic automatism existing within a definite emotional motive or coming from sub consciousness of the artist. It reveals in his reserved beginning of expressive calligraphy. Secondly, the ‘’twinkling’’ character of the form belongs to two worlds at one and the same time: illusive, deep and superficial. Then, his works are combination of homogeneous, not made by human hand, not of human making form with ‘’collage’’ joining of different fragments, the way of patchwork with visible seams. All these creative methods and ways of vision say about many lingual type of his abstract art, it is able to come up to esoteric hights and strict Leningrad abstract art of 1970 - 80. It is open to encyclopedia of formal motives of XX century (Klee, Twombly, Sulage, Tapies)." 

Gleb Yershov