Sergei Shekhovstsov is a remarkable sculptor of nowadays as well as contructivists were at the 1920th. The demostratively set aside old anthropomorphic world when marble, bronze and wooden sculptures had repeated a body, which is the creation of nature or the human-form gods. Modernist sculpture opens the era of iron and glass - the materials of machine age - serving the new cult of technologies, high energy, scientific abstractions. But the era of alluminium and steel, rigorous Iron age passes away leaving a place to plastic materuals that are able to mimic different objects.
The porolon that commonly surrounds people from the second part of XX century since their childhood resembles the insides of old coach from East Germany in 1960th or the headphones of the first audio player in 1980th. Shekhovstsov as the master of postproduction prefered to include cheap corny material in the art that is connected to common impressions. However saving this far connection with the body Shekhovstsov promises unprecendented expansion of horizons and the coverage previously inaccessible parts of the world with sculpture. Porolon comes out the contours of body turning into the cinema, greenhouse and even landscape.
Ekaterina Andreeva