Koshelokhov has never parted with ‘Two Highways, which has given birth to new images for more than one decade. He depicts a global wave of morphological mutation moving across the world in endless time and space. We see the ancient inhabitants of the oceans, we swim out onto the land inhabited by the people of Africa and Asia, we fly into the megalopolises of Europe and to the ice fields of the Arctic. The artist depicts the world as a process of great transition, as a huge road used by millions of bodies and human consciousnesses. The road is turned by human creativity into a real highway that preserves the genetic memory of earth, water, air, of those encountered one very kilometre of the way and of the general substance that governs the condition and the constituents of the movement. The computer graphics reveal the universal creative power of Koshelokhov, the figures — signs on the monitor expand and become the size of a fire proof wall, then they become frescos, sculptures and film projections. His finished projects with their all-embracing conception and plastic potential have few analogues in the history of the arts.

Ekaterina Andreeva, exhibition curator