The Sergey Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Award 2021 longlist published

The nominees are Anna Andrzhievskaia, Fedor Hiroshige, Uldus Bakhtiozina, ::vtol:: and Anna Nova Gallery curatorial group

The Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art has announced the longlist for its Contemporary Art Award 2021. Among the nominees:


— Anna Andrzhievskaia in the category ‘Best Visual Art Project’ with project ‘On the way to Gornozavodsk’;
— Fedor Hiroshige in the category ‘Best Visual Art Project’ with project ‘Dream of the Red Chamber’;
— Uldus Bakhtiozina in the category ‘Best Media Object’ with project ‘Samurai from Chintz’;
— ::vtol:: in the category ‘Best Science Art Project’, project ‘Geological Trilogy’;
— Anna Nova Gallery curatorial group in the category ‘Best Curatorial Project category’ with Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov's project ‘The Moth and The Bat Flying to the Light’.


The full list of nominees is available at the official website.


The exhibition of the nominees will be on view from 1 till 23 October 2022 at the Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art (St. Petersburg, Ligovsky pr. 73, 4th floor).

September 27, 2022
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