Meeting with the North-7 art group at Anna Nova Gallery

Anna Nova Gallery takes part in 1st Curatorial Forum, which held on October 3-6 in Saint-Petersburg.


The event is launched by The North-Western Branch of NCCA in partnership with the Creative Association of Curators TOK, and pursue development and strengthening a professional dialogue, create new possibilities for the international partnership, mobilize local and regional creative forces as well as widen audiences for contemporary art. 


Within the framework of the Art Weekend as a part of the forum, on October 4-6 Anna Nova Gallery open from 11am to 8pm, and invites all to join free tours through the current exhibition at 12pm, 2pm, 4pm and 6pm. On Sunday, October 6, we are welcoming everyone for the hot meeting with members of North-7 art group. 


Find more information about the Curatorial Forum on their website

September 19, 2019
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