Exhibition of North-7 group is opened in Belgium

North-7 group has gone on an expedition to Antwerp, Belgium.


Lost & Found Expedition is the group’s new project at M HKA. Members of the group has created their own museum inside a museum. They’ve created a total installation in a form of classical temple, containing the archive of works and documentation on the group’s projects. Lost & Found is another exhibition celebrating the seven-year anniversary of North-7.


In St.Petersburg you can see their project "Summer сamp 07/19" at Anna Nova Gallery through October 12.


More info: https://www.muhka.be/programme/detail/1373-lost-found-north-7-expedition

Artworks by Anna Andrzhievskaya: https://www.annanova-gallery.ru/artists/300-/works/

September 14, 2019
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