New transmedia project 'Phase: Transition' by Mayana Nasybullova at the Center for Culture CC19

Mayana Nasybullova presented a new project 'Phase: Transition' at the Center for Culture CC19 in Novosibirsk, Russia.


'Phase: transition' - the study of corporeality, critical identification of social and biological ideas about the body, its psychophysical boundaries, as well as representation in the cultural field. The project consists of different mediums: graphic series, film, casts and sonified sculptures. The focus of Mayana Nasybullova is the search for ways to free the body from trauma, internal conflicts and objectification processes.


The starting work of the project is the film REMOVAL. This is the result of Mayana Nasybullova's collaboration with cameraman Maria Berezhnaya and Siberian musicians Yegor Klochikhin and Dyad and the Sleepers Club. The three-part film is a metaphor for an attempt to meet conventional standards of attractiveness.


The exposition is complemented by a series of plaster casts with body fragments. Also there are graphics with characters expressing 'anxious states' and sonified sculptures - sounding objects. The artist calls these sculptures 'noise machines', 'monsters' and 'kronenbergs', all of them find their voices through transistors and resistors connected to them.


The partner of the exhibition is Anna Nova Gallery.


The exhibition is a part of the program 'Trajectories', initiated by the the Center for Culture CC19 with the support of The Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation.


Photo: Mikhail Koninin, Center for Culture CC19

June 23, 2021
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