Artist-talk with Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov 'Why look at animals?'

On July 20 the Anna Nova Gallery will host an artist-talk with Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov, the author of the project 'The Moth and the Bat Flying to the Light'.

The meeting will be devoted to the discussion of problems and issues in the field of animal studies, as well as the use of animalistic images as an artistic metaphor. The artist will share how and why the animal world is becoming a metaphor for social processes in the human community using the example of the project 'The Moth and the Bat Flying to The Light' and his other works.

Also we will consider three research texts devoted to the study of animals in the context of the humanities and discuss them together with the artist:
- John Berger, 'Why Look at Animals?';
- Roger Caillois, 'The Praying Mantis';
- Oksana Timofeeva, 'Animals That Were Not Called'.

Participation is free, but preliminary registration via link is required

Recording of the artist-talk is available via YouTube channel.


July 18, 2021
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